Ian Nagoski - Warm, Coursing Blood

Genre: dark ambient, avant-garde, noise
Nagoski himself can explain his music better than I can: “I make recordings of single sounds, over and over again. Each track is slightly different but each is part of a set of that single sound. Then, rerecording that tape down a bunch of times in various mixes and at various speeds with the idea of tuning them to each other in mind onto multiple CDs, I play the CDs back together - sequentially and simultaneously - along with the source tape through a mixer, which then becomes the performance instrument. Controlling the tape speed and EQ of like sounds as I project them back into a room, I play the entire sound with equal attention to the interferences as to their related source-elements.”
Uh, yeah… whatever. I’d just say it’s gradual, buzzing, dark ambient music, and curiously, it’s a thrill to listen to.
The tracks (46 minutes) are available as 160kbps MP3s.
1. Feather - 12:10
2. Rain - 15:23
3. The Stars Are Beautiful - 9:31
4. Joy Forever - 9:28
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